kimel western six

Jimmy Kimmel
Any info on a kimel industries western.
Kimel AP9 Pistol - YouTube
Kimel AP9 9mm Pistol You don't hold it by the magazine, you will break this gun. It is designed to be held like an AR, which is why it has the flutes.
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Where can you find replacement parts for a western six 22 lr pistol made by kimel industries matthews nc?
Kimel Industries was a manufacturer and distributor in Matthews North Carolina. Sometime it became AA Arms, then ceased to exist in 1999.
My mother paid $38 each for the one she bought me and my father many many many years ago. Was in a gun shop this week and he offered me $50 for my kimel
Western Six Shooter Revolver Kimel.
SIXT Autovermietung
Western Six Shooter Revolver Kimel Matthews .22 for sale in category XYX Misc Pistols offered by QuinnL ( 916251235 )
kimel western six
Kerstin Kimel Where can you find replacement parts for.kimel western six
kimel industries western six .22 l.r.....SIXT Autovermietung

All the gun knowledge around these parts and no one can tell me anything about My Wester Six. Hold your horses, some of us are on Afghanistan time, so sleeping when
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